Feedly: Find and Share Great Content
An effective social media presence is wholly dependent on content. For most of us, it’s a mix of original and shared content. The articles you share should be well written and helpful to others. But how do you find shareable, quality content?
Enter Feedly. All you have to do is identify a website that provides content you find helpful, subscribe, and read the articles Feedly delivers.
It really is that simple. I’ll show you how. With pictures.
Step 1: Go to Feedly.com and click “explore.”
Select a website or two you’re interested in following.
Step 2: When Feedly prompts you, set up a new account.
Step 3: Add more of your favorite sites — just enter the URL.
You can add your favorite sports team, cooking blog, or business website in the search box; anything you want to keep up with regularly <Hint: bethgsanders.com, hint, hint> Then click the +Feedly button to add the site.
Step 4. Check out Feedly’s Recommendations
Search by topic and Feedly will suggest sites that post content about your favorite subjects.
Click the sites that sound interesting to add them to your feed.
Step 5: The Fun Part — Time to Read the Good Stuff
Go to Feedly.com and sign in. You’ll see your home page and articles from your chosen sites.
It will take a few hours for your new feeds to populate, so you may not see any content right away. The column on the left shows your folders (see next step), and the content will appear on the right.
Step 6: Organize
Folders help you separate different content for all purposes.
If you’re like me, you have a wide variety of interests, from work-related content to home decor and … well, of course, baseball. So you may want to organize your feeds into folders. This is easy to do as you add them and you can change/rearrange/add/delete folders at any time by clicking “organize” on the left column menu.
Step 7: Share
Share great content and get noticed online.
Feedly makes it dead simple to share your newfound content. At the bottom of each post, you’ll see share buttons for the services you connect. You can share to social networks directly from Feedly or save to read later.
Go get started with Feedly, and don’t forget to download the free mobile app. It’s excellent, and you’ll never be bored while waiting again. You’re welcome.
Also, share your suggestions for great sites to follow in the comments, please.
For more articles about social media, marketing, WordPress, and online communications, check out my website, bethgsanders.com.